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This is the public title of your job offer as seen by the sales experts.
Check the box if the sales experts should / can work 100% remotely / from their home office.
Please select a language
American English
British English
Please select the languages in which the sales experts conduct sales conversations.
Leave this field blank if the persons can work remotely / from the home office.
Does your offer also include classic field sales tasks or can the tasks be done exclusively on the phone / PC?
Do you want the person(s) to work freelance on a commission basis or permanently with you?
Which tasks primarily determine the job profile?
Where will the high-price telephone salesperson be working for your company?
Do you sell more to businesses (B2B) or private individuals / consumers (B2C)?
Describe your job offer here. The better you describe the job, the more qualified applications you will receive.
What are the minimum weekly working hours for the position?
Do you provide the sales experts with scripts for the sales talks (cold calling, pre-qualifying, closing)?
How many conversations with a potential customer are necessary on average to get a final decision from him/her (purchase / rejection)?
Wie viele Gespräche sind in der Regel für einen Erfolg / Abschluss notwendig (inkl. "Follow-up"-Anrufe)?
What is the approximate success rate in your sales calls?
How many people do not show up for the calls ("no show" rate)?
How many leads do you provide to sales experts per week on average?
This is the minimum amount of commission that sales experts receive for a deal closed in euros.
This is the maximum amount of commission in euros that sales experts can receive per deal.
Enter the application deadline for this job offer here.
How should applicants apply for the position? How do you want to receive applications? Explanation: Closerbase (recommended) = You receive applications including candidates' profiles directly on Closerbase. Website = Candidates apply on your website or via a recruiting system. Email = Candidates apply by sending you an email.
Please enter the email address to which you would like to receive notifications of new applications.
Video applications are limited to 60 seconds. Please use this as a guide when compiling your questions. The number of applications will tend to decrease with a commitment to video applications. In return, you will also reduce your screening effort and identify your top candidates much faster. We recommend video applications for very attractive positions (closing warm leads, freelance, remote) and if you want to reduce your efforts.

Company Details

Enter the full company name here.
How long has your company been around?
How many customers have purchased a product with a net price of more than €1,000 from you in the last 12 months?
Enter here the contact person for filling the position in your company. The name will not be published.
Enter the telephone number of the contact person responsible for this job offer in your company. The number will not be published.
A link to a video about your company or the job offered.

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