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Verkaufsexperte - Closer - Closerbase - Job-Plattform für Telefonverkäufer-innen (2)

Find the right sales experts for your company

Find closers and salespeople to sell your high-priced coaching, products and services for you on the phone, in video calls or in the field, as well as experienced team leaders to lead your sales team.

Greator - Gedankentanken_Kunde Closerbase - Plattform für Closer, Vertriebler und Verkaufsexperten
Mehr Geschäft - Pascal Feyh_Kunde Closerbase - Plattform für Closer, Vertriebler und Verkaufsexperten
Felix Thönnessen - Kunde Closerbase - Plattform für Closer, Vertriebler und Verkaufsexperten
Candidate Flow - Kunde Closerbase - Plattform für Closer, Vertriebler und Verkaufsexperten_2

and over 2,000 other companies rely on Closerbase. ❤️

Customer testimonials

Markus Langkau (Quantum Sales) reports on his experiences and the results of his premium job ad on Closerbase. He also compares the Closerbase job ad with an ad campaign (Google + Facebook) that he had previously placed.

  • Job ad type: Premium (paid)
  • Wanted: Salesperson (telephone sales + field sales)
  • First applications: Within 24 hours
  • Applications received: 70+
  • People hired: 18
  • Retained in the team: 13

Determine the impact of your ad

Premium-Features Stellenanzeige Closerbase

You can publish your job advertisement for your position in high-price sales with us completely free of charge. If you want to receive more applications as quickly as possible, you can increase the impact and reach of your ad with premium features.

Integrated applicant management

Bewerbermanagement Closerbase

You can let applicants use your own recruiting system (website, tools, …), have applications sent to you by email or use our integrated applicant management system. You can also view the applicants’ Closerbase profiles with information on their education and experience.

You can let applicants use your own recruiting system (website, tools, …), have applications sent to you by email or use our integrated applicant management system. You can also view the applicants’ Closerbase profiles with information on their education and experience.

Bewerbermanagement Closerbase

Questions and answers

Can I use Closerbase for free as a company?

Yes, you can.

You can create a free job offer. This is accessible to all sales experts who pay for access to the job offers. Sales experts can apply for your vacancy. You can view these applications in your dashboard and contact the people.

As a company, can I also pay by invoice and bank transfer?

Yes, you can.

How do sales experts apply for our vacancies?

You have 3 options to choose from:

  • The candidates apply via Closerbase. You will receive the applications including the candidates’ profiles on this page (please log in). You will receive an email for everyapplication received so that you don’t miss any.
  • You enter a link of your choice, for example to your website or your online recruiting tool.
  • You enter any e-mail address. The candidates then apply to you by email.

I do not want our job to be advertised publicly. What do I do in this case?

You can use our free job ad as well as all premium boosts except for the one with which we also publish your offer on our homepage.

If you use the premium boost, which allows you to share your offer via the link, search engines such as Google can read your offer and make it accessible to other users.

What tasks can the sales experts listed on Closerbase take on?

Closerbase is a niche platform for high-price telephone and video sales. This is also the range of services that our members cover. The topic of high-price telephone and video sales can be subdivided into 3 areas:

  1. Cold calling / lead generation
  2. Setting / pre-qualification / scheduling
  3. Closing / closing warm leads

1. Cold calling / lead generation

Stage 1: Potential prospects are contacted “cold” (cold call). This means that there has been no initial contact. The person called is made aware of the company and the services offered for the first time. This conversation usually lasts between 5-15 minutes. If the person called is fundamentally interested in your service, a second call is usually arranged (stage 2: setting call). Cold calling is a service that many people find rather thankless. Sales experts who have mastered this can do something that very few can and want to do. They should be rewarded accordingly.

2. Pre-qualification / scheduling

Stage 2: Interested parties are already familiar with your company and know what you offer. They have a basic interest in your services. In a “pre-qualification call”, the aim is to find out whether you and your prospective client are a good match and whether a fruitful collaboration can develop. This is also about finding out whether the prospective client is able and willing to pay for your services. Good pre-qualification is the basis for a successful closing call (stage 3). The setting call takes about 10-30 minutes.

3. Closing warm leads

Stage 3: Anyone who ends up in this conversation with your company is already “pre-qualified”. This means that they already know a lot about you and your company. The “closing call” is now about clarifying the final details of your offer and convincing the prospect that they are in good hands with you. The aim of this meeting is to close the deal. In some cases, the prospective customer buys the product directly during the call. This meeting lasts around 45-90 minutes.

I am looking for sales experts for different tasks, such as cold calling, pre-qualification and closing. Should I create one job offer for all tasks or several job offers for the different tasks?

We recommend that you create several job offers for the different tasks.

Cold calling is less popular with most sales professionals than pre-qualifying and closing. Closing already pre-qualified prospects (leads) is the most popular for most sales professionals.

If you are now looking for people for setting & closing, but also for people to do cold calling for you, and you only create one job ad for all these tasks, you will only receive a fraction of the applications you could receive if you advertise the cold calling area separately.

Of course, you should also be able to deliver a corresponding number of leads if you advertise a job for Setting & Closing and not have to tell applicants that the leads you have announced still need to be generated. If you are advertising a position for pre-qualification & closing, you should already have a functioning lead generation system in place.

We are looking for someone to work for us on a commission basis. Is that possible?

Yes, freelance collaboration is preferred by many sales experts.

We would like to employ the sales experts permanently in our company. Is that possible?

Yes, of course. Although many of our sales experts prefer to work on a freelance basis on a commission basis, they are also open to a permanent position.

How much commission do sales experts expect to receive if they work freelance without a fixed salary?

It depends on the area of responsibility.

We divide the tasks of a telemarketer into 3 areas:

  • Cold calling / lead generation: approx. 20 % – 50 % of the price of the product sold as a performance-based commission for the sales expert on a successful sale
    Pre-qualification / scheduling: fixed amount per closing or fixed amount per pre-qualified prospect or approx. 5% of the product price if a product is sold to the prospect during the sales call
  • Closing warm leads: approx. 10% – 20% of the price of the product sold as a success-based commission for the sales expert if the sale is successful

Note: Of course, it also depends on how many leads per day/week are made available to the sales experts, how high the closing rates are and how much the products cost.


to cold calling / lead generation:

  • Of course, how much you pay out to the canvassers also depends on whether they take over the product sales completely or whether they only pass on a warm contact to you and someone else from your team takes over the closing.
  • Important: A sense of achievement within the first 8 weeks. If the sales expert earns nothing in the first 8 weeks, motivation will drop rapidly.
  • Sales experts prefer it if you provide contact lists with potential customers.

on setting / pre-qualification / scheduling:

  • “Pre-qualifiers” also do valuable work. Show them the appropriate appreciation.

on closing warm leads

  • The supreme discipline. This is where you decide how much turnover you make.
  • Create a working environment in which the sales experts in your team perform at their best.

We are looking for someone to make cold calls for us (opener). Am I in the right place?

Most sales experts prefer jobs where they are provided with warm leads. However, if the people can also earn well from you via cold calling, the chances are good that you will find someone with us.

We are looking for people for a call center. Am I in the right place?

It depends on the products and the potential earnings. Our sales experts specialize in the sale of high-priced products, services and coaching. They expect to be paid accordingly for their valuable skills.

How many applications can I expect?

We can’t give you a general answer to this question. It depends on many factors.

Are you looking for someone to work in your office or can the sales experts also work remotely?
Are you looking for someone in a permanent position or is freelance work also possible?
Are you looking for someone for cold calling (as an opener) or are you looking for someone for closing calls with pre-qualified leads?
Are you using our free job ad or are you using paid premium features?

Basically, the more attractive your offer and the more premium features you use, the more applications you will receive.

If you are looking for someone who does freelance cold calling, we recommend investing money in the impact and reach of your ad. Otherwise you will probably receive very few applications.

This also applies if you are looking for someone locally. This severely restricts the target group. What’s more, many people no longer want to go into an office every day.

If you have any further questions, please send us a message via the chat at the bottom right of the website. We will be happy to advise you on the phone. Free of charge and without obligation.

How quickly will I receive the first applications?

We can’t give you a general answer to this question either. It depends on many factors.

Basically, the more attractive your offer and the more premium features you use, the faster you will receive applications.

If it is very urgent, we recommend sending your job offer to all our sales experts (marked red in the graphic).

Versand deines Stellenangebots an alle Closerbase-Verkaufsexperten

If your offer is attractive, you will receive several applications within the first 24 hours.

How to use this powerful premium feature:

  1. Create a new job ad, repost an expired one, duplicate an existing one or upgrade an existing active one.
  2. On the page you see in the graphic above, select the product “Send your job offer fully automatically to ]…] sales experts.”
  3. Pay.
  4. The dispatch will start automatically as soon as the payment process is completed.

You can find more questions and answers on our FAQ page. If you can’t find what you’re looking for there either, please send us an email to support@closerbase.com or use the chat at the bottom right of the page.

Verkaufsexperte - Closer - Closerbase - Job-Plattform für Telefonverkäufer-innen (2)

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