Why it pays off for coaches, consultants and companies to work with telesales experts and closers
Is it worthwhile to work with an sales expert or closer? This is a question for entrepreneurs, which we want to answer in this article. And as you can already see from the title of the article, we clearly think it is worthwhile. But of course we would also like to give reasons for this.
Good reasons to work with closers in your company
Reason 1: Sales is not your specialty
In many cases it is so that entrepreneurs, consultants and coaches can sell somehow, but for very few it is their favorite occupation and their supreme discipline.
And yes, there are the cases that entrepreneurs are great salespersons. Grant Cardone is a good example. He loves sales and has become so successful with it and because of it. If this is also the case with you, then this reason number 1 is not applicable to you. (There are a few more good reasons to come).
The vast majority of entrepreneurs, consultants and coaches we have met though sell because it is part of the business. Without sales, no turnover. Without turnover, no business. If something is not our specialty, then we are rather mediocre at it. That is simply the nature of things and it is the case with all things in life. If we only do things so mediocre, then of course the results we achieve with these activities are also rather mediocre.
In this case, this means that your closing rate is rather medium and you might not generate the maximum revenue per sale even if you do sell something. Instead of your top product, you might only sell your medium-priced product or even only your entry-level product. This will have a direct impact on your turnover and your profit.
A real sales expert or closer on the other hand lives for the sale and the deal Closers sell daily, excessively and do only that every day. Day after day they train their sales skills. 4-8 hours a day they are on the phone or in video calls and sell. Closers usually take up the profession because they have a talent for selling, or at least a strong interest. The really good sales experts and closers have a real passion for selling. They know that they can do something that only a few can do, but that many would like to make use of.
The new top sellers of the 21st century are confident, well educated and trained. These are the reasons why they achieve higher closing rates than the vast majority of entrepreneurs, consultants and coaches. They also sell more often the top products from the product portfolio and exploit the sales potential to the maximum, which in the end always also benefits the customer – assuming that the product is top notch and really adds value.
If they are paid on a commission basis, their income depends directly on the turnover they generate for the client. This is an important incentive for closers to get the best possible result out of every single sales call.
Reason 2: Your task as an entrepreneur is to work on the company – and not in the company
The more day-to-day operational tasks you take on as an entrepreneur, consultant or coach, the less strongly your company will grow and develop. As an entrepreneur you should delegate or completely outsource as many tasks as possible. Your task is to further develop the strategy of the company, to manage the company and to continuously increase the added value of your products and services for the customer. The more tasks you outsource to real experts, the greater the benefit for your customers, the faster your company will grow and the more profitable your company will be.
Whoever starts a business often depends on doing everything themselves first. For the first weeks or months that is fine. But as soon as your business is up and running and you are generating sales and profits, you should hire employees and hand over tasks that are not part of your personal skill set and the company’s core business to people or companies for whom these tasks are the core business.
Reason 3: Your time is too expensive
This point is somewhat related to reason number 2. Your time is precious. Every entrepreneur has only 24 hours a day at his or her disposal. Your task is to invest your available time as sensibly and profitably as possible. As an entrepreneur you have skills that not everyone has.
You are the most important and valuable person for the company. Therefore your time is the most expensive. Therefore, it is your job to manage your time extremely well. Everything that other people can take over, other people should take over. Especially if they achieve even better results than you.
Reason 4: Without support in sales you cannot grow
This point is also related to the previous ones. If your business is going really well, you will eventually come up against personal capacity limits or capacity limits of your team. At some point, everyone is busy to the limit and can’t take on any more tasks or sales calls. You then have 2 options:
- You decide not to grow any further.
- You decide to seek support.
The problem with decision 1 is that this usually means that you have already seen the peak of your business or that it is very close. Why would you decide like that?
The bigger and more profitable your business is, the greater the added value you can deliver to your customers. Yes, this equation assumes good management of your business. But if this is the case, the equation works out exactly like that.
The higher your profit is, the more money you can invest in research and development and the further improvement of your product range. This is the added value that flows back to your customers.
If we wanted to put this equation in a nutshell, we could also say that those who oppose growth also oppose increasing the added value for their own customers. Do you think this is the right strategy?
And one thing is clear: If you don’t take this step, some of your competitors will.
Common beliefs that speak against the use of closers
Belief 1: No one can sell my products or services as well as I can.
A widespread belief. You believe that just because you know and understand your products or services so well, you can sell them better than others. This is wrong. Yes, in order to sell products or services, the person needs expertise about the product/service. But a salesperson does not need to know all the details of the product.
To sell a product well, you need a lot of things. Product knowledge is one of them. Sometimes, too much detailed knowledge can even be a hindrance when selling. This often leads to the seller getting lost in details that overwhelm the prospective buyer at that moment. It is not uncommon for a deal not to come about for this very reason.
Belief 2: Closers are too expensive
Yes, you pay for a specialist to sell your products or services. But you also benefit from this in several ways:
- You can focus on your tasks as an entrepreneur.
- You can invest your expensive time in the things that have the greatest value for your customers and your company and – if you want so – in other things in your life, like your husband/wife, children, your hobbies and other things you enjoy.
- You benefit from higher closing rates and higher tunrover per sale.
- You will gain inner and mental freedom and will be more creative, more concentrated and ultimately more successful and happy.
Nothing is more expensive than a lost deal, a lost revenue. This not only has a financial impact on the P&L of your company, but also on your psyche, mood and performance and thus directly on the performance of your company.
External closers are paid on a commission basis. This means that you only pay if your company actually generates sales. So you are always on the safe side.
If the closing rates are too low, so that the cooperation with the closer is not worthwhile – which is almost impossible with good closers – you simply end the cooperation and look for a sales specialist who fits and performs better.
Belief 3: The word “closer” is a buzzword for people who pretend to be more than they are actually capable of doing
Yes, there are quality differences with closers. Just as there are with painters, financial consultants or lawyers. This is the case in every industry, in every profession. There are people out there who pretend to be closers, but who are not really good salespeople and burn your leads.
That is, by the way, also a reason why we have built closerfinden.de. We wanted to build a platform where everyone finds the closers that fit their business perfectly.
How do you see the topic yourself? Do you still have questions about working with sales experts / closers? Then feel free to add them to this blog post as a comment.
Many greetings from the closerfinden.de headquarters!
Florian Mayer